This even extends to their families: Celica's father, Lima IV, was a nefarious womanizer with a harem of brides and many children he showed little love for, with Celica and Conrad being the only two remaining due to Desaix murdering the rest of the Royal Family.Both of them show a degree of difficulty coping with their nobility, but for different reasons. As noted in Rags to Royalty, how they handle their royal status differs: Celica had always known of her royal heritage and had kept it secret until the time came to rescue Mila Alm was completely in the dark about his own until the fateful battle with Rudolf.It gets more ironic when we discover that the Zofian color-clad Alm is the long-lost crown prince of Rigel whereas Celica, wearing Rigel's colors, is the rightful princess of Zofia. The former two are the colors of Zofia the latter two the colors of Rigel. Their colors contrast one another, with Alm donning green hair and blue armor, and Celica donning red hair and white armor.Although it's shown that Celica's arguments for peace aren't perfect, either, as Rigel is unwilling to listen to Alm's attempted treaty early in Act 4 fittingly, the game seems to imply that a middle ground between the two would work best.Alm as he's depicted in Awakening exacerbates it, with Alm being the Blood Knight who notes that Celica tells him that he should be more compassionate. A rift is driven between them during the game over Alm's refusal to seek a peaceful resolution to the war with Rigel at Celica's behest. While both Alm and Celica are fundamentally kind and initially naive to the ways of the world, Alm is the more militant of the two, eager to drive out Rigel by force, while Celica makes a point of seeking the route with the least violence possible.In addition, forging it one more time bumps up its Might to 10, making it as strong as Falchion. It also grants her access to Ragnarok Omega, Celica's counterpart to Alm's Scendscale. It's slightly weaker than the Royal Sword at 6 Mt, but grants her access to the same Recovery and Subdue abilities Alm's swords have as well as access to Swap for getting out of hairy situations by switching places with an adjacent, healthier teammate. Celica's sword is the upgraded form of her Golden Dagger, turning it into Beloved Zofia.He also has access to Falchion, which swaps out Double Lion and Subdue for Deicide (making it the only weapon able to kill Duma) and Anti-Terror while trading some accuracy for having 10 Might, making it one of the strongest unforged weapons in the game. In addition, it heals him for 10 HP every turn and gives him access to the Subdue skill (which prevents Alm from killing his foe, making it useful for grinding up lower-leveled units), Double Lion (a guaranteed double attack with bonus attack power, hit rate, and dodge rates), and Scendscale (A Spell Blade attack that has +2 range and deals massive damage). In-game, it boasts an impressive 7 might, making it almost as strong as a Silver Sword, without any downsides and a bonus to critical hit rate. Alm has access to the Royal Sword, a blade that can only be wielded by those with royal blood, being light as a feather in his hands but a leaden weight that's impossible to carry to others.Cool Sword: Both of them have sword unique to them that give them access to unique, powerful skills.

#Fire emblem echoes celica free#
In the Final Chapter, Celica is pretty much cornered into sacrificing her soul to cure Duma's madness and free Mila, and when she asks Jedah to keep his side of their bargain rather than just giving herself up, Jedah brainwashes her.At one point, Alm's army is trapped and assaulted by Necrodragons.Badass Cape: Celica starts with one, while Alm gets one after his promotion.Even in the remake, positioning Celica next to Alm will increase his Critical Hit rate by 20%.

Back-to-Back Badasses: In the original, having Celica stand adjacent to Alm gave him a guaranteed Critical Hit.